Heart of Yorkshire Education Group
- Location {{jobs.Address}}
- Employment {{jobs.EmploymentType}}
- Salary {{jobs.SalaryDisplay.indexOf('to') !== -1 ? jobs.SalaryDisplay + " Per " + jobs.SalaryType : jobs.SalaryDisplay}}
We couldn’t find any results for ‘{{sentSearch}}’, please try again.
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Talent Pool
We currently employ approximately 950 staff across the Heart of Yorkshire Education Group in a range of roles and business areas.
To support this, we occasionally require temporary or immediate cover to supplement the delivery of our vast range of courses and support our business areas; this is in addition to our advertised job vacancies.
If you would like to send your CV to the HR team for consideration of any temporary roles, such as lecturing, assessing, internal verifying, administration, learning support workers, communication support workers etc. we will add your details to our CV/talent pool for a period of six months and contact you if required.
Send CV